Pure, clean and natural

In Ireland, Tipperary’s Golden Vale is an area renowned for its superb quality land. This area embodies all the best qualities of our beef – pure, clean, and natural as can be.

Although our collective of farmers has grown significantly since it was founded in 1989, our Good Herdsmen Farm still sits at the heart of it all. It’s here where we continue to trial more sustainable farming practices, seeking new ways to farm better and drive change in our industry. Our focus is directed at six key areas: soil health, livestock, crop diversity, biodiversity, water quality and farmer education. 

Good Herdsmen cattle in a field
Illustration of a ladybird
Good Herdsmen cattle in a field
Leading the organic movement

Knowledge is more powerful when shared with many. That’s why we make it a point to share our learnings with the wider farming community. Hosting farm visits enables us to share our learnings and educate all that happens on The Good Herdsmen Organic Farm.

Whether we’re speaking to farmers who are interested in converting to organic, or to customers who want to know more about our organic Irish beef, all our discussions are underpinned with real passion and expertise. Organic is a way of life for us, and we love getting to share that way of life with others.